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Corporate Social Responsibility

Sustainable approach

Optimus Group and our group companies place a high priority on compliance and conformity to environmental measures throughout our operations. As a business group with an international value chain, we have long been active in respecting human rights and contributing to social causes.

Our sustainability philosophy
We are committed to properly implementing environmental, social, and governance initiatives in all our business activities to support the transition to a truly sustainable society.

Initiatives & Business Activities ESG items SDGs items

Conservation of and Coexistence
with Global Environment

  • Reuse of Used Cars
  • Inspection, Quarantine, and Heat-Treatment (Patented)
Environment (E) 7 Affordable and Clean Energy 12 Responsible Consumption and Production 15 Life On Land

Contribution to Local Communities

  • Compliance with Local and Regional Laws and Regulations, and Acquisition of Third-party Certifications
  • Participation in Community Activities
Social (S) 3 Good Health and Well-Being 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities 12 Responsible Consumption and Production

Promotion of Diversity and Well-Being

  • Employee Diversity
  • Respect for Well-Being and Human Rights
Social (S) 3 Good Health and Well-Being 5 Gender Equality 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

Expansion of Stakeholder Engagement

  • Corporate Governance
  • Group Compliance
  • Disclosure
Governance (G)  

Sustainable and environmentally friendly business practices

Reuse of Used Cars

Nichibo, the core company of our group, has been in the used car export business for over 30 years. As part of our mission to provide safe and reliable means of transportation we have included a focus on rigorous inspection and quarantine services. And we contribute to the development of a recycling-oriented society by continuing to provide vehicles of better quality in terms of performance and maintenance to our overseas markets.

Inspection, Quarantine, and Heat Treatment (Patented)

JEVIC Co., Ltd. has the necessary licensing arrangements to conduct pre-shipment inspection of used cars. a. JEVIC NZ is a New Zealand registered company and is part of the JEVIC group of companies and an approved Ministry for Primary Industries operator for the Pre-Shipment Inspection Programme in Japan and the United Kingdom. We are New Zealand’s largest biosecurity vehicle inspectorate with over 60 percent market share. JEVIC NZ is authorised by the New Zealand Transport Agency as a Border Inspection Organisation. We also provide vehicle inspection services to exporters, importers, shipping lines and logistic chain suppliers.

We contribute to the protection of the natural environment and the ecosystems of our overseas markets by conducting the inspections and quarantine in compliance with the standards set by the destination countries. In particular, JEVIC has developed and patented a Heat Treatment system to prevent Brown Marmorated Sting Bug contamination, which is an issue in New Zealand. The patented heat system will also be used to prevent incursion of insect pests into other overseas markets.

Supporting local communities

Compliance with laws and regulations of destination countries and acquisition of third-party certification

Optimus Group are committed to compliance with Japanese and overseas laws and regulations and the maintenance of related qualifications to ensure our vehicles are safe and secure.

In addition to acquiring certifications from destination countries for pre-export inspections, we have obtained ISO certification to help maintain and improve inspection quality, along with the relevant New Zealand vehicle inspection qualifications. 

Promoting health and youth sports

Optimus Group are proud to have long supported traffic safety classes for children in New Zealand. We also support various youth baseball and rugby teams as part of our sports promotion efforts.

In 2021, we donated to Shizuoka Prefecture as part of a campaign to boost participation in rugby. It was recognition of our strong ties to both New Zealand and Australia, where the sport is hugely popular. 

Promoting diversity and wellbeing

Our group is growing by expanding and extending the value chain that links Japan to the rest of the world. While aiming for sound and lasting business development, we continue to implement personnel policies that place importance on the experience, ability, and motivation of each individual, regardless of nationality, age, or gender.

Respect for wellbeing and human rights

Our group has placed a particular importance on promoting a good work/life balance, healthy social relationships within our companies and achieving high employee satisfaction rates.

By focusing on these aspects, we can provide a rewarding work environment where our people can thrive.

In Japan, we conduct periodic employee surveys to ensure our staff and company are growing and thriving.

Expansion of Stakeholder Engagement

Corporate Governance

Our group regards the maintenance and strengthening of corporate governance as one of the most important management issues. This is because we regard them as a mechanism to realize transparent, fair, prompt, and decisive decision-making, while respecting the rights and positions of all stakeholders, including shareholders, investors, customers, business partners, creditors, and employees.

Group Compliance

Our directors and employees are deeply aware of the importance of compliance and strive to conduct business in a fair and equitable manner toward all stakeholders. To maintain and raise awareness toward compliance, we conduct annual compliance training and collect information through in-house questionnaires.


We consider it one of our most important management tasks to respect the rights and positions of all stakeholders, including shareholders, investors, customers, business partners, creditors, and employees, and to strive for sustainable growth and enhancement of corporate value by establishing management structures and systems that enable transparent, fair, timely, and appropriate disclosure of information.